Short Hills Asylum Consultants
Experienced and Capable Guidance
Individuals who have faced past persecution on protected grounds or fear future persecution have the right to seek asylum in the United States. Obtaining asylum status, which can lead to lawful permanent residency and even permanentcitizenship, is often extremely difficult.
Our Short Hills asylum consultants at Worldwide Legal Services can help qualifying individuals seek formal and powerful protections in the United States.
We have assisted with over 10,000 cases and have over 50 years of combined professional experience. The process for seeking asylum status can be punishingly convoluted, but our team has the knowledge and resources to protect your safety and fight for your rights.
Need help seeking asylum in the U.S.? Call or contact us online to discuss your situation with an experienced Short Hills asylum consultant.
Who Is Eligible for Asylum in the United States?
An individual may qualify for asylum status in the United States if they have previously been persecuted in your home country or your previous country of residence.
You may also be eligible if you can establish you have a “well-founded fear” of future persecution if you return to your home country or previous country of residence.
To potentially qualify for asylum status, the persecution must be on the basis of at least one of the following protected grounds:
- Race
- Nationality
- Religion
- Political Opinion
- Membership in a Particular Social Group
Though gender or sex are not explicitly named as a protected ground, applicants have historically been granted asylum status for situations involving:
- Forced marriages
- Female genital mutilation
- And other forms of gendered violence
“Membership in a particular social group” can also be a broad and flexible category that can sometimes include those fleeing persecution on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The past or feared persecution does not have to necessarily come from a country’s official government. Persecution from any group that the government is unable or willing to control can qualify for purposes of asylum.
How To Seek Asylum in the United States
In most circumstances, you will need to apply for asylum within 1 year of entering the United States. United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has historically rejected many applications for asylum on the basis of missing this deadline. Individuals can apply for asylum in one of two ways.
They are:
- “Affirmatively”
- Or “defensively”
What Is Affirmative Asylum?
To apply for asylum affirmatively, you must proactively submit the appropriate documentation to USCIS while already being present in the United States. Applying for asylum affirmatively can be extremely risky if you do not have legal status: Should USCIS reject your application, you will likely be targeted for removal proceedings.
What Is Defensive Asylum?
Individuals applying for asylum defensively will typically do so at the border or when in removal proceedings. In these situations, seeking asylum acts as a “defense” to removal. The case will generally be adjudicated by an immigration judge. Note that immigration courts are not obligated to provide legal representation to asylum seekers.
You may also be detained if you are seeking asylum defensively, especially if you are doing so at a U.S. port of entry. Those seeking asylum affirmatively will generally not be detained unless their application is rejected, and they are without lawful status. We can help you fight for your right to a bond hearing.
How Our Skilled Consultants Can Help You
To receive asylum status, you will need to prove past or feared persecution is directly linked to at least one of the protected grounds. Providing sufficient evidence to make this connection can often be extraordinarily challenging. Our Short Hills asylum consultants are experienced with these matters and can work to build a compelling case.
We never give up and will stop at nothing to secure you the protection you need. Call or contact us online to discuss your situation with us.